Pensionservice Gregor
Bockenheimer Landstr. 51-53
60325 Frankfurt am Main
0049 69 87 40 330 99
Lawyer: Sven-Ejnar Gregor
USt-Id-Nr.: DE226258980
The title
The title “attorney” is an official professional designation granted by the Federal Republic of Germany. Mr. Sven-Ejnar Gregor is admitted to the bar. He is a member of the German Regional Bar Association of Frankfurt am Main.
Bar association and competent supervisory authority
German Regional Bar Association of Frankfurt am Main
Bockenheimer Anlage 36
60322 Frankfurt am Main
which at the same time is also the competent supervisory authority.
Professional regulations
The applicable professional regulations for attorneys can be viewed and retrieved from the homepage of the German Federal Bar Association ( under the heading “Professional Regulations” in German and English. In particular, the following professional regulations are applicable to attorneys:
• German Federal Lawyers‘ Act (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung – BRAO)
• German Federal Lawyer’s‘ Code of Conduct (Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte – BORA)
• German Federal Lawyers‘ Compensation Act (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz – RVG) including appendices
• Act on the Detection of Proceeds from Serious Crimes Anti-Money laundering Law (Geldwäschegesetz – GwG)
• Amendments governed by professional regulations to the Anti-Money Laundering Act, (GwG)
• Code of Conduct of the Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Community (CCBE professional regulations)
• Regulation governing the directories of lawyers and the special electronic law enforcement mailrooms
• Section 5 of the Telemedia Act (TMG)
• Ordinance on Service Providers‘ Duty to Inform (DL-InfoV)
The statutory remuneration of attorneys is set forth in the Lawyers’ Remuneration Act (RVG) including appendices. The amount of the statutory remuneration is generally dependent on the value of the subject matter.
Professional indemnity insurance
Mr. Gregor maintains professional indemnity insurance with:
HDI Gerling Firmen und Privat Versicherung AG
Riethorst 2
30659 Hannover
Territory covered by the insurance:
The insurance coverage does not comprise indemnity claims associated with activities
a) carried out by law firms or offices established or maintained in other countries,
b) in connection with counseling and dealing with non-European law,
c) of the attorney before non-European courts.
Mr. Gregor cooperates regularly with:
- LSV Rechtsanwalts GmbH (
- Taxservice Regenbogen (
Procedures to avoid possible conflicts of interest
Rechtsanwälten ist die Vertretung widerstreitender Interessen aufgrund berufsrechtlicher Bestimmungen untersagt.
Der Rechtsanwalt prüft vor der Annahme eines Mandats mittels eines Programms und Datenbankabfragen, ob ein Interessenkonflikt vorliegt.
Out-of-court dispute resolution
Upon request, the Attorneys Association of Frankfurt am Main will conduct an out-of-court dispute resolution in the event of disputes between attorneys and their clients.
Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt am Main
Bockenheimer Anlage 36
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Alternatively, an out-of-court dispute resolution can take place at the dispute resolution office of the legal profession, which has been set up at the Federal Attorneys Association in Berlin:
Littenstraße 9
10179 Berlin
Official website of the European Commission for online out-of-court dispute resolution
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